







两位学习者都从事在房子里的人们的经济地位找到证据。在第1-3行中,他们共同构建了声明,如果房子有汽车,这意味着乘客必须有钱。在第4行中,朱林素符合这一结论,并引用了一些事实,表明他们可能没有大量的钱(房屋的大小和邻居的邻近)。In lines 5-10, they repeat each other’s sentence components, like “近 (close)”, “车 (car)”, “老 (old)”, and incorporate them into their own utterances, together forming the statement that the car is an older model or used, which they think would not be the case if the family had a large amount of money. The use of “老 (old)” by AnnaLi in line 7 is ambiguous to native speakers and it is unclear what she meant to express using “老 (old)”, be it old in model or used. Interestingly, however, Jiulin seems to understand and agrees with her repeating the part ““很老 (very old)”. In lines 9-12, they add their inferences that the car is also neither fast nor pretty, adding support for their inference that the family has only a modest amount of money. In uttering these words in overlap with each other, they collaborate in inferring that the family living in the house is only moderately well off and justifying the inference by alternating in their observations in a co-construction of meaning.

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