Fables through Comics - German

(Novice-High level)

Writing task:

In pairs, students in a second year German class were asked to illustrate and write a comic strip for a fable they had read in class.

Example Student Responses Ex 1 例2 Ex 3 Ex 4


  1. Use the holistic rubric below to evaluate the student work. A holistic rubric allows the teacher and the students to determine the quality of the work. It reflects the lesson’s purpose (to use written and visual communication to write a fable) communicative function (imaginative—expanding ideas suggested by reading a fable), and language structures (present tense verb conjugations and subject/verb agreement).
  2. What changes would you make in the rubrics to align with the purpose for which you might assign a similar task?

Fables through Comics - Holistic Rubric*


漫画的内容准确地反映the content of the fable in its correct sequence. Present tense formation, subject/verb agreement, and gender and number agreement are consistently accurate.


Most of the content of the fable is reflected accurately in the comic strip with correct or nearly correct sequence of events. The present tense, subject/verb agreement, and gender and number agreement are nearly always accurate, though a few errors may appear.


While some of the content of the fable is reflected in the comic strip, -not all events are included and some sequencing is incorrect. Some errors appear in use of the present tense, subject/verb agreement and gender and number agreement.


Significant portions of the fable are missing in the comic strip and sequencing is incorrect and confusing. Consistent errors appear in the use of the present tense, subject/verb agreement and gender, and number agreement.

*Tedick, D. J. (Ed.). (2002). Proficiency-oriented language instruction and assessment: A curriculum handbook for teachers (Rev Ed.). CARLA Working Paper Series. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition. (2002), p.321.

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414