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Maximizing Study Abroad:

Strategies for Language and Culture Learning and Use

The exciting series ofMaximizing Study Abroadguidebooks helps students, program professionals, and language instructors make the most of study abroad opportunities through strategies for language and culture learning and use.

Background Information

Includes information and statistics that define the need for study abroad materials and describes the phases of the Maximizing Study Abroad project.

Maximizing Study AbroadGuidebook Series

Practical and user-friendly, these guides are designed to target the specific needs of study abroad students, program professionals, and language instructors.

Research on the Effectiveness of the Guides

A comprehensive study (2002–2005) looked at the effectiveness of theMaximizing Study Abroadguides on improving students' strategies for language and culture learning and use and the ways in which the materials were used by program professionals and language instructors. Anextensive reportof the research findings is available as PDF file.

CARLA Summer Institutes for Language Teachers

Each summer CARLA offers a wide array of professional development opportunities for K-16 language teachers.

CARLA Bibliography

The CARLA bibliography has more information on presentations and publications done by faculty, students, and staff involved with this project.

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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414