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Archived Content from Conference Held in October 2008

Dr. Myriam Met

Dr. Myriam Met
National Foreign Language Center
University of Maryland

Immersion Education: Intercultural Competence for Tomorrow's Global Citizens

One way, two way, developmental bilingual, indigenous immersion… these terms reflect an array of models and purposes related to immersion education. Immersion models and purposes may serve to differentiate programs from one another, yet they all share characteristics in common. How can we learn from one another? How can we continue to move toward our respective goals by providing valuable insights into best practices from each of our unique perspectives?

Dr. Myriam (Mimi) Metis the former Acting Director at the National Foreign Language Center and currently an associate at the University of Maryland, where her work has focused on strategic support for K-12 programs for foreign language learners and for students learning English. Her previous positions include supervisor of foreign language programs, English for Speakers of Other Languages, and bilingual education for major urban and suburban school districts, including responsibility for designing, implementing, and supervising a variety of immersion program models.

Dr. Met was one of the founders of the Ohio Association for Bilingual Education, the founder and first president of the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages; a founding member, and later president, of the National Network for Early Language Learning; and served on the Executive Council of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. She is currently on the Editorial Board of its journal, Foreign Language Annals. She has provided consultant services to school districts, state departments of education within the US, ministries of education abroad, universities, professional associations and private agencies throughout the United States, as well as in Europe, Asia, South America, and Canada. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages recognized her with the Anthony Papalia for Excellence in Teacher Education in 1996, and with the prestigious Florence Steiner Award in 1983 for leadership in K-12 education.

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