Intermediate Speaking Rubric - Hot Seat


Student responds meaningfully to each question posed. Answers given in complete and connected sentences using appropriate vocabulary and grammar. Answers contain minimal errors that do not impact comprehension.


Student responds meaningfully to some questions, but other answers are superficial. Answers are given mostly in complete sentences with appropriate grammar and vocabulary. Answers contain some errors in vocabulary and grammar that require occasional clarification.


Student responds to some questions or provides only superficial answers. Answers do not use complete sentences or contain multiple errors in vocabulary and grammar that frequently impair comprehension.


Student asks thought-provoking questions that may or may not feed off of other questions and/or answers. Questions are clear, relevant, and grammatically correct and are asked in a respectful way.


Student asks questions that are mostly clear, relevant, and grammatically correct, though errors may be present. Questions are asked in a respectful way.


Student asks mostly yes-no questions. Errors in grammar may make the questions difficult to understand at times. Questions are asked in a respectful way.


Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414