Advanced Holistic Rubric - Role Play

Exceeds Expectations Student accurately and compellingly articulates the needs of his/her character and responds meaningfully to others’ comments using well-connected sentences. Student uses a variety of sentence structures and grammatical forms that allow discourse to flow. Vocabulary is specific and appropriate, and there are minimal errors in grammar and word choice that do not impact comprehension.
Meets Expectations - Strong Student accurately articulates the needs of his/her character and responds to others’ comments with complex sentences. Student uses a variety of sentence structures and grammatical forms that allow discourse to flow most of the time. Vocabulary is mostly appropriate, and several minor errors in grammar and word choice may have a slight impact on comprehension.
Meets Expectations - Weak Student articulates most of the needs of his/her character and responds to 1-2 comments with complete sentences. Student uses at least 3 different sentence structures and several grammatical forms that allow discourse to flow most of the time. Available vocabulary somewhat limits conversation; circumlocution or other strategies may be used. Errors in grammar and word choice lead to some errors in comprehension that are clarified in the target language.
Does Not Meet Expectations Student fails to articulate his/her character’s needs and/or doesn’t respond to other comments. Speech consists mostly of short sentences and uses limited sentence structures. Many errors in grammar and vocabulary lead to significant errors in comprehension.


Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414