spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Exercise 1: Refusals

Situation 1: Dialogue2(Refusing an offer)

The parts in redare the refusal expressions you’ve been asked to write down.

友達A:ね、ともこ、来週の土曜日、うちで鍋やるんだけど来ないみんなも来るよ。Ne,Tomoko,raishuunodoyoubi,uchidenabeyarundakedokonai?Minnamokuruyo.‘Hey, Tomoko, why don’t you come to my place for anabe(hotpot) party next Saturday?There is going to be a crowd of people.’

友達B:えー、鍋!来週はね、バイトが入ってるの。Ee,nabe!Raishuuwane,baitogahaitteruno.Nabeparty!I have to work part-time.’

友達A:あ、バイトか、だったら仕方がないかもね。A,baitoka,dattarashikataganaikamone.‘Oh, if it’s work, you can’t really do anything about it.’

友達B:いやー、残念。また誘ってね。Iyaa,zannen.Matasasottene.‘That’s too bad.Invite me again some other time.’


Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414 |Contact CARLA