


D. Tedick&L. Cammarata

在CBI,学习者对内容和语言学习负责。这意味着为CBI开发的评估任务和评估工具(例如,Rubrics)必须解决这两种。评估可以采取各种形式在CBI中,但最有价值的评估任务是那些要求学生有意义地使用语言来展示他们了解的内容的语言的人。例如,最终综合任务(STOLLER,2002),例如口语演示或书面报告,通常是CBI中总结评估的好选择 - 他们要求学生积极参与并指导他们在有意义的语言时巩固内容学习方法。基于项目的学习(PBL)还可作为CBI评估的有价值的方法。PBL被定义为互动,其中学生通过个人和小组活动通过规划,研究,分析和综合数据(Beckett&Slater,2005)来社交。其他可能还会向CBI提供评估的另一个框架是美国委员会关于外语外语教学(Actfl)的综合性能评估(IPA)模型(Glisan等,2003)。IPA最初没有成为CBI的评估方法,而是其主要重点仅在于评估语言。但是,只要进行许多关键修改,我们发现IPA对CBI具有巨大潜力。


In a nutshell, the IPA is a classroom-based assessment model that can be used for evaluating student’s language use in the three communicative modes (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) that correspond to the communication standards that appear in the national Standards for Foreign Language Learning (1996/1999).



* 阅读与听力




IPA提供了一个很好的工具,可以在选择真实和适当的文本中指导教师。对于解释任务,是听取/观看或阅读,所以正品的选择必须根据学生所在的特定级别评估的需求而有所不同。For the novice level, where assessment should focus on students’ identification of key words and main ideas, selected texts should not be too lengthy and their content should be contextualized enough so that learners can use their background knowledge and/or experience as a support (e.g., TV or short radio programs, commercials, songs, letters or email correspondence, etc.) (Glisan et al, 2003). At the intermediate level, where assessment is most concerned with the identification of key ideas and supporting details, text selection should include narratives, short stories, information rich texts, and so forth on topics of interest to students. The texts should also include cultural content related to the target culture (e.g., segments of appropriate TV programs such as soap operas, interviews, magazine articles, etc.) (Glisan et al., 2003). Finally, at the pre-advanced level, where assessment is predominantly concerned with the identification of main ideas and supporting details as well as the identification of varied perspectives on a given topic and the ability to make inferences, selected texts should reflect a higher degree of complexity: they should be longer, reflect more complex discourse, and should cover a wide range of topics from personal to those of general interest (the text types may be the same as for the intermediate level but the task should be more complex and demanding of students) (Glisan et al., 2003). The selection of authentic and appropriate texts is key to CBI as it naturally provides a context in which students can focus both on content and linguistic features simultaneously.




如果在CBI语境中成功使用,我们已经确定了至少四项具有IPA模型的主要挑战。第一个挑战率处理了为IPA开发的主题背景的作用。在IPA框架中,将在一般主题周围开发评估任务,为任务提供上下文。根据Glisan等人。(2003年),主题不需要与课程相关联,课程遵循班级,实际上可能担任常规课程的偏离。这允许与IPA的最大灵活性 - 也就是说,它可以相对容易地“插入”现有课程。CBI中不是这种情况。相反,为了有效地在CBI内工作,为IPA选择的总体主题必须与指导CBI课程单位的总体主题并行。这意味着CBI的IPA必须用作在课程单元过程中被覆盖的内容的逻辑扩展。这也允许CBI课程内的灵活性。 The IPA could occur at the end of a curricular unit (as a summative assessment involving the three IPA tasks) or might be integrated within a curricular unit, with the three IPA tasks being assigned at different points throughout the unit.

第二个挑战,直接相关与第一个有关的事实,即IPA根本是评估语言,而不是内容的框架。尽管要在主题周围设计三个IPA任务,但IPA的主要目标仍然专注于语言的评估。内容或文化主题简单地用于提供语言使用的背景。内容知识的评估仍被视为次要(如果它全部考虑)。在手册中提供的IPA Rubrics中可以清楚地看到这种关注语言(Glisan等,2003)。For example, the rubrics for the presentational mode include categories such as language function (i.e., the types of communicative tasks the student can handle), text type (i.e., the organization and discourse quality of the oral or written text produced by the student), and impact (including vocabulary, comprehensibility to the audience, and language control). These rubrics make no mention of any categories that target content knowledge. A similar pattern occurs for the interpretive and interpersonal rubrics that are offered in the manual. Thus, if the IPA is to be used for CBI, its focus must be rethought so that both content and language are assessed based on the tasks required and the rubrics used for evaluating student performance.

第三个挑战涉及IPA评估周期内第二和第三任务的推荐顺序。IPA周期始于一个解释性任务,我们同意非常适合,因为解释任务为评估的内容主题提供了必要的背景(以书面或口语宣传或新闻广播等书面文本的形式)。根据Glisan及其同事(2003年),这个周期应该进入的下一个任务是人际关系任务 - 学习者将参与自发,面对面的沟通的任务,涉及谈判意义。我们争辩说这是有问题的。正宗的人际关系沟通难以实现,特别是在具有较低熟练程度的学习者,因为它需要自发互动。布朗和尤尔(1983年)几十年前认为,不能教授互动话语(平行于人际关系),而语言教师应该专注于交易话语的教学(平行于表现模式),因为它是通过参与制备和学生收购他们需要从事互动话语的技能的交易话语排练(Brown&Yule,1983)。如果学生有机会在人际交往前完成的表现任务,他们将拥有更多的内容知识来绘制,并将练习和呈现他们需要从事人际关系任务的结构和词汇。拥有此订单的任务 - 解释性,呈现的人际关系 - 对熟练程度水平低但更有价值的学习者来说尤为重要,但对于更高级的学习者来说也是有价值的。


在该图示中,内容用作核心用于执行三种通信模式的核心,从解释模式开始,然后是表示模式,最后是人际模式。五C的担任后果制定学生在IPA中执行的任务。因此,例如,在高中法国三级课程的节水(连接目标)的单位中,学生阅读比利时政府的网页标题为“评论préserverl'eauàlamaison?“(如何在家中节约用水)(解释模式,沟通目标)本文纳入文化产品和实践,并反映了文化视角(文化目标)。The distinct cultural products, practices and perspectives are used to make comparisons to similar products, practices, and perspectives in the U.S. (comparisons goal) as students in pairs complete a Venn diagram to compare/contrast these cultural products, practices and perspectives (interpersonal mode, communication goal). The final, culminating performance task of the unit is a skit or children’s book that students create (presentational mode, communications goal) and present to elementary students at a nearby French immersion school (communities goal).


只要对模型进行了许多修改,IPA具有强大的CBI潜力。我们在本篇文章中描述了对原始IPA模型进行的四个主要挑战,以便与CBI-(1)提供内容焦点,而不是将内容用作IPA的上下文帧,(2) the need to develop a framework for assessing both content and language, not just language, (3) the need to create a different sequence for IPA tasks, i.e., interpretive, presentational, interpersonal vs. interpretive, interpersonal, presentational, and finally, (4) the need to maximize the use of the five goals of the national standards as the backdrop for the IPA rather than focusing on the communications goal alone.


贝克特,G.H.&Slater,T.(2005)。项目框架:语言,内容和技能集成的工具。Elt Journa.L,59(2),108-116。





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