

由Diane J. Tedick撰写


在Michael Metcalf的领导下,Minnesota大学的国际研究和计划教授和主任,Dale L. Lange,第二语言和文化教育教授和语言习得高级研究中心前主任(Carla)在明尼苏达大学和Suzanne Jebe,然后在Mndcfl的世界语言和文化专家,Minnesota阐明项目于1993年推出,并获得了改善中学教育(FIPSE)和国家捐赠基金的主要支持人文(NEH)。


明尼苏达宣传项目受益于五十名语言专业人士的承诺和努力,代表二十三个私人和公共后级机构和初中和高中的州。将出现完整的项目成员列表致谢。The work of MNAP, led by co-directors Michael Metcalf and Barbara Swanson of MNDCFL, was divided among three teams that have been responsible for carrying out a portion of the project’s goals: the assessment team, the political action team, and the curriculum team. The Project also enjoyed the support of Karin Larson and other CARLA staff, as well as key faculty from the University of Minnesota. Headed by Micheline Chaloub-Deville, the assessment team developed large scale proficiency-oriented assessments in speaking, reading, and writing in French, German, and Spanish to be used with graduating high school seniors who plan to enter postsecondary institutions. The Minnesota Language Proficiency Assessments target the Intermediate-Low level of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 1 (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1986). More information about the assessments is available on the CARLA website at website at://www.rogersfh.com/assessment.html.

第二队代表了该项目的政治利益,由1995 - 1996年由Ray Warkfield领导,然后由Phyllis Van Buren领导。随着这一幅度的项目,必须建立明确的沟通线,该项目的代表积极担任联络人,如国家机构(MCTLC,MNDCFL),国家组织(Actfl,Aatsp,AATF,AATF)等关键选区,高中和大学教师,辅导员和管理员等由Diane Tedick指导,第三部队负责课程开发。The primary goal of the curriculum team was to develop a process for helping teachers to consider changes in curriculum and instruction to provide students with the kinds of experiences they will need to achieve higher levels of proficiency and to succeed with the assessments developed by MNAP’s assessment team. The Handbook was the result of our efforts.


手册远非完整 - 实际上它永远不会完全完整的词,因为语言和文化是动态,不断变化的实体,需要永久重新思考。就像语言和文化一样 - 我们对语言和文化学习的理解和教学 - 不断发展,所以手册也是如此。考虑到这一点,我们最初在一个三环粘合剂中出版了背景材料和收集任务/单位,以鼓励教师促进其进化。

从促进手册的持续性质的精神,它于2002年被转载。Diane Tedick在2002年版本中题为“面向熟的语言教学和评估:标准,哲学和评估的标准,哲学和评估的考虑”的基础章手册和护理被采取始终更新对网站地址和其他资源的引用。



The end goal of the Minnesota Articulation Project—enhancing students’ proficiency levels “...so that they might communicate across linguistic and cultural boundaries” (Tedick et al., 1993, p. 44)—can only be accomplished by teachers as they begin the process of transforming language education. We hope that the Handbook (in print and in the online form) continues to guide teachers in that process.


Multiple copies of the supplementary materials that accompany the tasks and units (e.g., the authentic texts, song lyrics, handouts and exercises, peer review forms, rubrics for assessment, etc.) can be made for classroom use—in fact, we encourage it! The other materials in the Handbook (e.g., task and unit descriptions, preliminary section that focuses on standards, philosophies and assessment procedures, etc.) are protected by copyright. Permission to copy these materials must be obtained by the Regents of the University of Minnesota and can be sought through the CARLA office. Copyright permission for other materials in the Handbook must be obtained by contacting the respective copyright owners.




美国委员会外语教学。(1986)。初步actfl水平指南 - 写作,修订,2001年。Yonkers,NY:美国外语教学理事会。

亲属曼,L.K.,&Kaplan,I.M。(1985)。实践熟练程度:外语课程。在C.J. James(Ed),外语水平课堂及以后(第55-77页)。Actfl外语教育系列,卷。16.林肯伍德,IL:国家教科书有限公司



Tedick,D. J.,Walker,C.L.,Lange,D.L.L.,Paige,M.,&Jorstad,H. L.(1993)。明天学校的第二语言教育。在G. Gunterman(Ed。),制定改变世界的语言教师(第43-75页)。actfl外语教育系列。林肯伍德,IL:国家教科书公司

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